>Nature Study<
>Common Arts<
Register for
Spring 2024
The purpose of the Oaks Outdoors program is to extend learning beyond the four walls of the home and classroom. Our spring semester will run from February 28th-May 22nd.
This term we will be studying:
<Natural Resources> led by Ginger Westcott (Natural Resource Conservationist with the Stanly Soil and Water Conservation District)
<Common Arts> (our branch of study focused on reviving lost or dying arts) "Field to Fork" (outdoor cooking, fermentation, dehydration, canning, and more!)
<Nature Study> Amphibians! We follow the approach of John Muir Laws and will closely study and journal about frogs, toads, salamanders and more!
COST: $5/student* (Kindergarten & up) per week ($20/week family max).
*This cost includes instruction & basic materials to participate in each session. For a supply fee of $25/student, you can take home some of the "fruits of our labor"! Your student will take home:
Week 1: 4-6 tomato plants (to be taken home once ready to transplant)
Week 2: Raise a Frog Kit (one per family)
Week 5: a pint of sauerkraut
Week 10: a jar of strawberry preserves
This fee must be paid for in advance to ensure we prepare for the correct number of students.