
Andrea Herring
Lower School Director & Administrator
Math Level 1 & 2
Artist & Composer Study
Literature & Writing - 4th & 5th
Natrue Study (Oaks Outdoors)

Kathryn Yow
Lower School
Lead Teacher - Preschool

Kellie Sides
Lower School
Music K-5th
Folk Song & Folk Dancing (Oaks Outdoors)

Nicole LuQuire
Lower School
Lead Teacher - K & 1st
Math Level K
Art K-5th
Handicrafts 4th & 5th
Watercoloring (Oaks Outdoors)

Jen Barker
Lower School
Lead Teacher - 2nd & 3rd
Math Level 3
Handicrafts - 2nd & 3rd
Yearbook & Journalism (Oaks Outdoors)​

Katie Brooks
Lower School
Lead Teacher - 4th & 5th
Math Level 5
Kindergarten & First Enrichment
Folk Dancing & Shakespeare (Oaks Outdoors)​

Andrea Anderson
Lower School
Lead Teacher - 4th & 5th
Science 2nd-5th
Upper School - Math & Science

Christian Herring
Upper School
Administrator, History, Literature & Citizenship
Mr. Herring holds a B.S in History from Western Carolina University, an M.Div from Hood Theological Seminary, and a Th.M in Church History from Liberty University. He loves sharing his passion for history, the Bible, and great literature. His teaching philosophy revolves around reading great books, having great discussions, and writing great papers. It is his conviction that education is an essential part of discipleship, no matter what the specific subject matter is, therefore the Christian worldview brings itself to bear on all areas of study. Furthermore, all areas of study contribute to forming us into wise, virtuous, and godly human beings. Mr. Herring typically enjoys a cup of hot tea during class.

Dr. Brian Phillips
Upper School - History
Dr. Phillips earned a B.A. in Pastoral Theology, an M.A. in Theological Studies (Liberty University), an M.A. in Christian & Classical Studies (Knox Theological Seminary), an Ed.D. in Classical Education (Whitefield Seminary), and completed Paralegal Studies at Duke University. He pastors Holy Trinity Reformed Church in Concord. In addition to his pastoral duties, Brian writes the Legal Update for the Association of Classical Christian Schools (ACCS) and works as a surgical assistant specializing in PRF and bone grafting procedures. He is the former Director of Consulting for the CiRCE Institute, and taught Rhetoric at Belmont Abbey College.

Rev. John Black
Upper School - Biblical Studies
Rev. Black holds a B.A. degree in Political Science with a cognate in Economics from The University of South Carolina and an Associate degree in Engineering Graphics Technology from Central Carolina Technical College. He holds a Master of Divinity degree from Reformed Theological Seminary in Charlotte, NC. He also holds a fifth degree black belt in TaeKwon-Do, which he taught from 1985 – 2016. Pastor John believes in the centrality of the local church and the covenant households of which it consists. He desires to see their revitalization. He is committed to seeing the Gospel transform lives as we seek to speak the truth in love and to come into loving community with one another as we center our lives around Jesus Christ.